Online Articles

Online Articles

Blinders Needed

It is with some trepidation that I dare to discuss the anatomy of the human body, specifically that of the opposite sex. However, as a man who is trying to be pure in thought and as a father who is attempting to raise honorable sons and daughters, I am compelled to speak up about the amount of female breast that is being exposed these days.

My wife Karen and I were at a mall this past week and were amazed at how revealing the average woman's garments were. I am not exaggerating when I say that it was the exception to see a woman who was not showing some amount of cleavage. Often these revealing garments were also form fitting and so defined and accentuated the figure as to leave little to the imagination.

A casual perusal of the clothing stores reveals why this is so. From the advertising to the stock on hand, sensuality characterizes the fashions of the day. Everything from casual to dress to formal is designed to be "sexy." One cannot go through the young women's sections without feeling as if he has entered a lingerie department. Some might say my reaction to our recent trip to the mall reflects a naivete that suggests I need to get out more often. Au contraire, I think it would be better for me to pluck out my eye (Matt. 5:29)

In a world where camisoles are worn as outerwear, the subjects of modesty, propriety, shamefastness, discretion, and chastity all sound kind of old-fashioned. Many have forgotten that the original and primary function of clothing is to cover one's nakedness (Gen. 3:7-11, 21), not to accentuate it. Yet much of the clothing being produced, pushed, and purchased for public viewing is designed to emphasize, enhance, and increase one's sex appeal.

Clothing is a means of communication. Garments which expose the breasts show more than mammary glands. The wearing of these garments reveals attitudes that range from naive to flaunting to seductive, regarding a part of the body whose erogenous (sexually stimulating) nature is well attested to in Scripture (Prov. 5:19; Song of Sol. 1:13, 4:5, 7:3,7,8; Ezek. 23:3,21; Hos. 2:2). Conversely, the modestly adorned woman communicates meekness, respect, and good works (1 Tim. 2:9,10; 1 Pet. 3:2-4) and will be noticed and appreciated by honorable men.

Come on, ladies and sisters in Christ, teach the younger women (your daughters first and foremost) to be discreet and chaste (Titus 2:5); and lead them by example. Communicate propriety, godliness, and purity in your adornment. Your brothers in Christ would appreciate the help in the battle between flesh and spirit.