Online Articles

Online Articles

Age of Accountability?

One of the most challenging issues involving parents and their kids is the question of when the children are old enough (and mature enough) to obey the gospel. There is no such thing in the New Testament as an "age" at which a person automatically becomes accountable to God, and thus subject to the call of the gospel. How do we then, as concerned parents, help our children deal with the vital question, "Am I ready to become a Christian?"

Mark Roberts (father of our Becca!) has prepared some excellent study material entitled Am I Ready? A Study of the Gospel for Young People. This material can help both parents and children deal with these challenging questions. Below is a quote from Mark's web page describing this material:

What do we do when our nine-year old says "Mom, I want to be baptized?" We are thrilled and terrified all at once! Thrilled that this child wants to obey the Lord, but scared that he or she is not ready yet for this momentous step. What should parents do?

Children growing up in faithful families can be expected to learn the steps of salvation rapidly, and to desire to do what pleases God. Yet we sense that knowing the "Five Steps of Salvation" really isn't enough. There has to be more to readiness, but what is that "more" and how can we know when a child is truly ready?

"Am I Ready" is a special workbook designed to fit this very scenario, and to answer these critical questions. This book helps a child and his/her parents assess readiness via five lessons.

I would strongly recommend this study material for all parents of children who are approaching the time when they will be asking about obeying the gospel. You can order the workbook directly from Brother Roberts by visiting the following website:

Once there, click on the Catalog button in the upper right-hand corner, and then scroll down to the material authored by Mark Roberts — this workbook is near the bottom of the page. Click on that, and you will see instructions about how to get copies of the workbook for you and your children.