Online Articles

Online Articles

But It’s The Prom! (Part 2)

In the past several years, our local proms have seen:
  • Guys and girls rent cabins at a state park where some spent the night drinking and engaging in sexual immorality.
  • Public intoxication and arrests made by the local police force.
  • "Dirty dancing" (and that's the way I'll describe it. To get specific would probably be offensive) performed on the "chaperoned" dance floor which is broadcast over our local television cable system.
  • Immodest, revealing clothing worn, intended to solicit the attention of the opposite sex. I remember overhearing two girls trying to "outdo" each other as to which one was showing more cleavage.
  • Young people lying to their parents about their whereabouts while they stay out all evening and return home in the morning.
  • Parents who told their children they "had to go" to the Prom, and parents who told other people's children that they needed to go to the Prom when the young people had no desire to attend.

And here's the kicker — every one of the actions mentioned above were done, not by the non-Christians, but by young people and parents who are members of the Lord's church — Christians! If this is the way that disciples of Jesus conduct themselves, then how do you suppose the world acts? No wonder our school system typically mails out a letter to area churches asking for their help and support in keeping, what they describe as "one of the most dangerous nights of the year for our young people" as safe as possible.

Listen, I fear for those who go to a dance, spend all night with their date, come home the next morning (which happens to be the Lord's day), and find themselves too exhausted, because of their carousing, to go to worship or to truly worship in spirit the one who shed His blood for their redemption. Do we really think that such actions will simply be pardoned or excused because, after all, "It's the Prom."

Young people, keep the commitment that you made to the Lord. Guard your heart and mind from the fleshly lusts that war against your soul" (1 Peter 2:11). And parents, help your young son or daughter in making decisions that may affect their eternal destiny. Sometimes, because of the tremendous peer pressure they are under, your children need you to say "no" for them. Help them to make Christ-focused decisions that will bring honor God.

You know what I think? I think we need a good dose of discipleship! I think we need to quit acting and thinking carnally. I think moms and dads and other adults need to quit pushing and encouraging young people to immerse themselves in such a worldly event, and to develop some backbone. And I think we need to be honest with ourselves and quit trying to defend what is indefensible. What do you think?