Online Articles

Online Articles

Finally, Some Common Sense on the Chick-Fil-A Controversy

It is a false dichotomy to say or imply that all who supported Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday did so because they hate gays. I am sure some did, but I've seen posts online by gays themselves who understand that the issue was really freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to hold religious convictions based on one's understanding of what the Bible teaches, not because of some homophobic hatred toward gays.

If the LGBT community wants people to take them seriously, they ought to stop equating any and all opposition to homosexuality as hatred or homophobic. They should respect and acknowledge that many Christians such as myself do not hate or fear homosexuals, but simply believe what we understand the Bible to teach regarding homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

On the other hand, Christians need to always treat others (including gays) with love and respect, especially while we maintain and proclaim that we believe to be true. And when we see gays being verbally or physically abused, we should be the first to rise to their aid, as we would for any human being.

"Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them…" ~ Jesus