Online Articles

Online Articles

'Decently and In Order' (Part 5)

On the way home from worship services the father was complaining about everything that had been done that morning. The building was too cold, the songs were too slow, the preacher preached too long, etc. Finally his son in the back seat of the car spoke up and said, "I think it was a pretty good show, especially since we all got in for a dollar!" We could make a point here about liberality in giving, but we want to deal with the more basic matter of attitudes in worship.

When you come to the assembly, do you feel as though you are a vital part of the process; or do you regard yourself as one who is there to observe, to critique, and to be entertained? We hope you realize that whether you take a public part in the worship or not, you are not just a spectator. You must be involved if you hope to please God. John 4:24 says we must worship "in spirit and in truth" — and that means all of us!

With these things in mind, let us offer these final observations about our time together in worship:

  • Your enthusiastic participation and attentiveness will be a great help and encouragement to others (Hebrews 10:24-25).
  • We shouldn't have to say this, but we will — NO talking, whispering, passing notes, etc. You are here to worship God. Keep your mind on your own business.
  • There should be no displays of affection that would distract those sitting around you. The worship service is not the place to give someone a massage, a hug, etc.
  • And, about the babies — this is not play time. Don't allow your little one to be a distraction to you or others. When they cry (and they will cry), if they cannot be quickly quieted, they need to be carried out for the sake of "decency and order."