Online Articles

Online Articles

I Just Spent $43.87!

It was only a quick trip to the Dollar Store … how could I spend so much money at a place where things cost only one dollar? I went in to buy paper cups and craft sticks for my students in Bible class, plus some Spanish moss and pretty gift bags, if they had any.

Turns out the store had all of those things – and much more! Like this cool nail file that has green sparkly flowers on one side. Paper towels, sunglasses, a magazine that is only slightly out-of-date, chewing gum. I even found a darling yellow hat for my granddaughter. And this purple pill organizer that lets me put all my supplements for the week in one place!

Wait … I'm beginning to see how I could spend $43.87 at the dollar store! I did it one dollar at a time!

Little things add up quickly. A cookie here, some ice cream there – results in a pair of jeans that won't zip. A week too busy for devotional Bible reading, a day so crowded that there's no time for exercise, an evening when one TV show turns into hours spent staring at the tube – then I wonder why I'm feeling sluggish, both physically and spiritually.

But it works in a positive way, too. One little act of kindness, one smile at a hassled clerk, one card sent to brighten someone's day – and the world doesn't seem as hostile, as hopeless.

So, here's to little things! Well managed, they can have big results!

"For you had little before I came and it has increased to a multitude, and the LORD has blessed you…" (Genesis 30:30)