Online Articles

Online Articles

Optional Works of God?

I often hear when encouraging participation in some Christian duty, "that it is optional." This gets me to thinking. Is anything optional with God? It strikes me as dangerous to think "we don't have to do this good work…it is not required". I think I know what is meant, that certain things are not commanded of us, but permitted of God, but the attitude is dangerous and here is why.

The Bible says things like "Be ready unto every good work," or "If you know to do good and do not do so, it is sinful," or "Be zealous for good works," or "Maintain good works."

I am concerned that some are seeking to dumb down their salvation to the least bit required. How slow can a person go, and still cross the fi nish line? Missing: is the "Extra Mile" mentality.

And how do we determine which good works the Lord has both instructed us to do and through His providence given opportunity to do, are optional? Is that not judging God's word? Deciding which is required and which is optional? James 2 says we are not to judge God's word. We are to be doers of the work.