Online Articles

Online Articles

Do You Know One?

  1. A brother who does not believe in caring for the sick? I do not. But there are many brethren who rightly oppose the churches of Christ building and/or contributing to a hospital. There is no scriptural authority for them to do so.
  2. A brother who does not believe in congregational cooperation? I do not. But there are scores of brethren who properly reject the sponsoring church type of cooperation. There is no divine authority for one church becoming the agency through which other churches function. The examples of cooperation in the New Testament were always concurrent action and never joint action.
  3. A brother who does not believe in preaching the gospel? I do not. But there is a host of brethren who refuse to support any human missionary society. Elders of a church cannot scripturally assume a work and oversight that Christ did not assign them. When an eldership assumes the oversight of a brotherhood work and its treasury, as in the sponsoring church arrangement, they form a society in the eldership and act without divine authority.
  4. A brother who believes that Christians have no responsibility toward any needy person unless he is a Christian? I do not. But there are multitudes of brethren who rightly object to the church treasury being depleted by a program of general benevolence for which there is no New Testament authority.
  5. A brother who does not believe in caring for orphans? I do not. But there are many brethren who properly oppose church support of human benevolent societies, all of which came into existence during the past century.
  6. A brother who does not believe in Christians enjoying clean recreation? I do not. But there are thousands of brethren who correctly protest the misuse of funds, contributed into the church treasury for the furtherance of the gospel, to provide for social and recreational activities. There is no Bible authority for the church undertaking such programs.
  7. A brother who does not believe in Christians having a good education? I do not. But there are scores of brethren who justly oppose the colleges soliciting and receiving contributions from the churches.