Online Articles

Online Articles


"I thirst," Jesus pleaded,
Hanging on that wooden cross
Thirsty for more than water?
Could He thirst for…
His Father in Heaven to comfort Him?
His devout followers to be strong?
His lost sheep to come home?
His disciples' companionship?
"I thirst," Jesus pleaded.

Does Jesus thirst today?
Could He thirst for…
The ungodly to see God?
The lukewarm to become passionate?
The faithful love of His children?
A world of sinners to repent?
Unity among His family?
Does Jesus thirst today?

Do I thirst?
Should I thirst for…
The desire to guide the young?
The ability to teach the lost?
The compassion to help those in need?
The love to embrace all, of every kind?
The wisdom to use God's word?
Do I thirst?
"I thirst," I pray.