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Online Articles

Going from Nowhere to Somewhere

Exodus 13:17 – 15:21

Although the Israelites could have left Egypt and taken a more direct route to eventually reach the promised land, they did not. The Lord took them in a direction that was indirect and probably appeared to be a “road to nowhere” But while the people may have thought they were going nowhere, God was taking them somewhere. He took them in a direction where: His power would be displayed (by the crossing at the Red Sea), they would not become afraid, turn around and go back, and where they would learn to rely on Him. He would provide for them in difficult circumstances (e.g., in the middle of the wilderness). Sometimes we too may think we are on a “road to nowhere” in our lives – we might become fearful, lose faith, or question God. However, we need to remember that God is faithful even in hard times, sad times, and when we feel like our lives are going nowhere. We need to remember that we might experience circumstances that will each us to better rely on and trust in God, circumstances that may test our faith, and circumstances that will help us grow. The Israelites didn’t get to take the direct route and we might not either. But we’re not going “nowhere” if we always trust in God, He’s taking us “somewhere” just like He did the Israelites – a promised land (cf. Matthew 6:25-34).

(from Moses and Old Testament Law)