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Online Articles

A Family Is...

A FAMILY IS FAITH — Believing in God as the Supreme Being, believing in each other in thought and expression, and believing in one's self as being worthwhile and capable.

A FAMILY IS SHARING — Each member sharing with all the others their lives, their thoughts, their efforts, their wealth, and their love.

A FAMILY IS DISCIPLINE — Not just spanking the young'uns for acting up, but Mamma, and Daddy, Brother, and Sister, all learning what is right and doing it no matter what it is.

A FAMILY IS WISDOM — It is learning from past experience how to make future blessings. And it carefully weighing each moment to gain the most benefit for everyone in every situation.

A FAMILY IS GROWING — Growing bodies in little ones, and growing minds in everyone. Growing love, growing wisdom, and growing close.

A FAMILY IS JOY — Not that in the family everything is always happy, but happy that everything is always in the family.

A FAMILY IS WORK — Every person has a job to do and is expected to do that job knowing that all will benefit from the work of each one.

A FAMILY IS PLAY — Making time to have fun and be silly, time to run and laugh, and time to wish and dream.

A FAMILY IS STRENGTH — One person alone is seldom strong. Together there is energy — synergy — to pull whatever the load, and to face all of the enemies. Together the joy is multiplied and the sorrow is divided.

A FAMILY IS SATISFACTION — It is getting those things we really need in life and being content with the things that we get. It is realizing there is so much more than just the things in life.

A FAMILY IS FORGIVING — Knowing that everyone makes some mistakes and some more than others, but when they are corrected, they are over and forgotten. And then most of all …

A FAMILY IS LOVE — It is that special feeling when in each other's presence, the warmth, the joy, the pleasure. But even more, it is the knowing there is care, concern, and having each other's back. Yes, that has to be that from which all the others come. A FAMILY IS LOVE!!!