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Online Articles

Being Positive Can Be Exhausting

Power of Positive Mom’s, Power of Positive Thinking, Learned Optimism, Blink: Positive Thinking; these are only a few of the hundreds of books on positive thinking. Most people don’t like to be around Debbie or Donald Downers. Negativity can suck the life out of an otherwise good day. Even the Bible speaks of positivity, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones,” Prov. 17:22. But, have you ever wanted to shout, “I’m tired of being positive!” You smile when your thoughts are drawn to struggling family and friends. You say, “I’m fine,” when your body is falling apart. “It will be okay,” really means, “I don’t know how that next bill will be paid. Or, you may see a Facebook post, “God is good,” and you tremble when the question, “Is He?” creeps into your thoughts. You are tired of putting up that front. It reminds one of the old song by Smokey Robinson, “Tears of a Clown.”

So, why? Why do it? Why paste on that smile and put one foot in front of the other? You are exhausted!

Perhaps you are demonstrating the glory of God in your life (Matt. 5:16). Others can marvel at the difference they see in you as compared to others. Living on Earth is hard but Heaven – oh yes – Heaven is waiting (John 14:3). “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs’s is the kingdom of Heaven,” Matt. 5:3. We are told God’s word should live in us (I Cor. 3:16). Paul said in Phil. 4:11, “I am content in any situation.” He didn’t hide his struggles, yet he did not dwell on them. How could he? He was too busy teaching others about the race he was running (I Cor. 9: 24-27), his goal and his Guide.

A positive demeanor brings comfort to others and opens doors to offer help. Yes, being positive is exhausting. Is it worth the effort so that more time, attention and resources can be given to others? Are there times we need to allow others to help us? Oh yes. But don’t become comfortable in the position of the served, it could hinder you from being the servant (Matt. 25:31-46).