Online Articles

Online Articles

God’s Alphabet

A Have a good ATTITUDE in everything that I do
B Exhibit Christlike BEHAVIOR
C Be a CHEERFUL giver of love, time and effort for God.
D Be DETERMINED to serve God, no matter what the cost.
E Be a good EXAMPLE of Christianity to others.
F Be a FAITHFUL Christian.
G Keep GOD at the center of my life.
H Always be HOPEFUL.
I Use what little INTELLECT I may have in God’s service.
J Be JOYFUL and appreciative of God’s gifts.
K Always be KIND to others.
L LOVE my neighbor as myself.
M Take the time to MARVEL at God’s creations.
N Remove NEGATIVITY from my life.
O OPEN my mind, my heart and my life to God.
P PRAY without ceasing.
Q Give QUALITY service to God.
R RELY completely on God, for He is the only constant.
S Be STILL and “know that I am God.”
T TRUST God and His promises.
U Pray for UNDERSTANDING of God’s word.
V VICTORY is in Jesus.
W Let me WIN the battle against Satan.
X EXAMINE self daily.
Y Let me YEILD not to temptation.
Z Let me serve God with ZEAL.